Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hello Again

Life happens.

I haven’t blogged in a very long time, but I’m thinking of taking it up again.

My current plan (subject to revision, of course) involves a
weekly check in post here, that includes 4 brief parts:

What’s working, things I'm saying “yes” to this week.

What's not working at the moment, boundaries I've decided to set.

What's under serious consideration but not (yet?) ready for either previous list.

Things which are on my mind but may be a bit too random to fit neatly into the YES/NO/MAYBE framework. In particular, I'll probably share things I’m learning—ah ha moments or reminders. I suspect a few of these could develop into separate blog posts to occasionally share on another day of the week.

I’m thinking Mondays for the weekly check in post.

What do you think?