Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mindful Monday - Excuses, Excuses

Last Monday, I completely forgot to do my check-in. I'll try to keep this one short-and-sweet, since I wrote a rather long post yesterday, mostly about how things are going with meditation.

Clutter clearing is progressing more slowly than I had hoped, but the arrival of spring seems to be helping. There really is something to the idea of spring cleaning. I have also walked more since the arrival of warm weather, but my eating has gotten completely out of hand and is not likely to get better until after Easter. 

We'll celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary in the middle of Holy Week, and I'll be splurging for sure, but I do think we can ask the Easter Bunny not to make a stop at our house this year. If I don't have a handle on my eating and activity balance by the end of April, I plan to return to Weight Watchers in May (after my birthday on the 3rd, of course).  So, I'm pretty much one big bundle of excuses--and not even very good ones.

I was distressed to discover that most of my spring/summer clothes were too small. I had to do a bit of emergency thrift store shopping, since a brand new larger wardrobe wasn't in the budget. (Besides, I don't want to stay this size.) But having been fairly successful in my quest, my new attitude is that I might as well get some use out of my thrift store purchases.

My Lenten practice this year has been to spend time with nature each day, and I've found that to be meaningful, although in light of my weight gain it has occurred to me that my old standby of giving up sweets might have been more practical. Then again, practicality is not really the point of a Lenten practice.

I am reading more and writing a little, but I still start far more things than I finish. I feel optimistic about spring, though. I've been sleeping better and feeling more energetic and motivated, recently. And, as I said yesterday, the resolution I've been the most consistent about since the beginning of the year has been my daily meditation practice. I do feel good about that.

How about you? How is your spring shaping up?


  1. Hi Lenora, sounds like you've been having adventures of all kinds lately! Have you read Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui by Karen Kingston? It has been a great help to me, has given me lots of courage to sort through and get rid of stuff I'm not using. In fact, I am probably overdue to read the book again, as the clutter is creeping back into my life. Good luck to you with your projects, and I hope you can be kind to yourself, and patient, as you make moves to heighten your awareness of such important aspects of your life. Hugs and deep breaths!

    1. I haven't, Lorien. Thanks for the recommendation! I need to do some serious spring clearing. It seems practically everything I touch at my house initiates an avalanche!
