Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014 - A Year of Mindfulness

There were many wonderful things that happened last year, but I'm not the least bit sorry to part company with 2013. For me, its defining event was the death of my mother, so I look forward to a year defined by something else.

I've shied away from resolutions of late, as my track record with them is not at all impressive. There were times when I set out in earnest on January 1 but got lost along the way, while other times my heart was never in it to begin with.

In recent years, I have selected a word or theme to focus on,
in lieu of specific goals. Occasionally, it felt as though my word chose me, instead. (No one enthusiastically chooses Grief as such a word, of course, but some things are unavoidable.)

For 2014, I have returned to making resolutions, and I'm indeed resolved about my goals. At the same time, I want to be realistic, understanding that my intention is to develop healthy new habits rather than set records or compete with myself or others. My list includes the predictable, eating better and exercising more, along with reading more books and blogging frequently. I'm ready to part with a great deal of clutter--both the physical kind we've been tripping over at home and the mental/emotional variety which robs us of our present moments by constantly distracting us. I particularly want to better establish a daily meditation practice.

Underlying my entire list of goals for this new year is a deep desire to be more mindful in all my actions, so my word for 2014 is Mindfulness. I have observed that when I move, eat, speak, listen, read, and work mindfully, the various aspects of my life more readily fall into place. I'm using Jon Kabat-Zinn's working definition of mindfulness:
"paying attention on purpose--in the present moment and nonjudgmentally--to the unfolding of experience, moment to moment." I'm ready for more of that in my life.

How about you? What are you looking forward to in 2014? Have you made new year's resolutions or chosen a particular focus? I welcome your thoughts.

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