Monday, February 17, 2014

Mindful Monday: How's it going?

We're a little more than 6 weeks into 2014--enough time to get some things done and also to run into a few roadblocks. For quite a few of us, winter weather has posed challenges and interrupted schedules.  How are things going for you?

Do any of your goals or resolutions need tweaking, at this point? Maybe you have long given up on New Year's Resolutions but still have particular things you'd like to concetrate on. President's Day may offer a lower-pressure opportunity for goal setting than January 1st did.

My results have been decidedly mixed. My 2014 list of things to be addressed is long enough that I occasionally lose track of some while focusing on others. The good news is that when letting go of perfectionism is one of your resolutions, almost any failure can be re-framed as progress toward being less perfectionistic. (How's that for making lemonade?)

I'm meditating regularly and including more salads and green smoothies in my diet. I'm not exercising enough, but since our cold weather shouldn't last much longer, I'm giving myself a bit of a pass until the end of the month. Beginning in March, I plan to get serious about walking.

My clutter clearing is slower than I'd prefer but still moving forward. I've started reading several books but not managed to finish any of them. I'm writing more--mostly in my journal--and continuing my longstanding practice of including 5 things I'm grateful for each day. 

Let's see... what else?  I'm feeling pretty good about things, in general. I still worry about my dad and get teary about losing mom sometimes, but that's not a surprise, under the circumstances. My last blog post felt important to me--things I wanted to express before moving on to new topics.

Most of my projects are taking longer than I had hoped, but they haven't entirely fallen by the wayside. I've at least managed to eliminate a few energy drains, which should allow me to better focus on my priorities.

So that's my check-in for the week. Oh, my husband downloaded the little Insight Timer iPhone app I've been using and seems to like it, which I was pleased to hear. I continue to find the stats surprisingly motivating.

Now, it's your turn. How are you feeling about things? What do you want to do more of?  Less of? Are you making progress on existing goals or perhaps considering new ones? Maybe, like me, you chose a word or theme to focus on in 2014. (Mine was "mindfulness.") Are you on track with it? Do you feel alignment with your values and priorities? 

I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. Not completely on track, but making an effort. The perfectionist I was in my youth has become much kinder with age. I think that is a good thing. Like many of us I am looking forward to warmer weather and my bicycle. On my bike I get in that exercise that I promise myself every year that I am going to do more of. On my bike I don't just ride, I fly. :)

    1. I agree about perfectionism, Dorie. Many of us were raised to think of it as an admirable thing, when it's actually quite damaging. When I heard researcher, Brene Brown, say, "Perfectionism has nothing to do with healthy striving." I finally got it.

      I so admire your biking! What a great way to stay in shape.
