Monday, February 3, 2014

Mindfulness Monday: A Weekly Check-in

It's Monday again - accountability time.

I'm sticking with to the meditation practice I revived on January 1 after a LONG hiatus by sitting quietly every day for 12 minutes, at least once a day. Sometimes I add a guided meditation or another session later in the day, sometimes not.

Is it making a difference? I think so, although I sure don't feel very good at it. The idea is to set aside a few minutes to gently and quietly rest in the present moment, mindful of each breath--a brief respite from constantly focusing on the past or future. As Jon Kabat-Zinn might say, "Be here now."

Of course, that isn't what happens. My mind habitually heads off in whatever direction it pleases, and I coax it back to the present, only to have it dart away again and again, in defiance of my expressed intention. It's like trying to teach an enormous energetic dog to sit and stay. As soon as you drop the leash and relax your guard, the dog wastes no time in doing exactly what dogs do.

Still, the practice feels more comfortable today than it did a month ago. I feel more grounded, if not during the practice, throughout the day. I still don't find myself being what anyone would call mindful. In fact, all week long I've been making really careless typos--far more than usual. But maybe I have stepped up to a low rung on the mindfulness ladder, because it feels like I'm noticing more and reacting less. To put it another way: I'm becoming more mindful of my mindfulness. Maybe that is progress.

I'm finding the free Insight Timer app on my iPhone to be helpful in staying with my meditation practice, so I'm thinking of using the free SparkPeople app to track my exercise and water intake to see if it helps me do a better job with that. I had a great experience with Weight Watchers some years ago and may eventually go back, but I'm not ready to do that just yet, as my budget is rather tight at the moment. Besides, I'd really like to make mindfulness the basis of my health and fitness program.

I'm continuing to tortoise may way through a little more clutter each week. I have a long road ahead of me, but I feel more hopeful about it than I did six weeks ago. At this rate, it may take a year to get back to what feels like a normal level of clutter again. But I'll be a year older either way, and I suspect I'll be happier (in addition to older) if I have gotten the clutterbug back under control by then.

How are you? Have you made progress on any goals or resolutions? Have you thought of intentions you'd like to set and work toward? I appreciate your company on this journey. I invite you to share a little about your 2014 thus far in the comments.


  1. Hi Soal (Lenora)! Lorien here from the Women Meditating Worldwide group in the Insight Timer Community. I loved what you wrote, and appreciated your description of what happens for you while meditating--affirmation that I'm not the only one who struggles with maintaining a focus. Also, I come from a family of clutterbugs, and this is something I struggle with too, so maybe we can support each other in learning how to simplify, to let go of what is no longer needed and welcome what is wanted. I look forward to reading more! Blessings to you, Lorien

    1. Hello, Lorien!

      Finding your comment here made my day! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm really enjoying being a part of the Insight Timer Community and appreciate so much your reaching out.

      In fact, I was just reading your February 10 post at and (especially as a voice teacher!) I love the idea of being co-conspirators--in the very best sense of that word. :)

      Here's to being a source of inspiration for one another!
